Dr Dharam Vir Singh
Designation :Principal Scientist & Acting Head
ERP ID :007897
Date of Birth :03.12.1970
Mobile No. :
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Email Id :Dharam [dot] singh2 [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in ,
dvs_icar [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Area of Specialization
- Soil health management for developing sustainable agriculture in different agro-ecological regions.
- Integrated Watershed Management.
- Watershed Planning and Evaluation.
- Soil Erosion Appraisal.
- Landslide characterization and management.
- Community water resource development and management.
- Soil working techniques for tree based system.
- Inter watershed water transfer.
- Ground water recharge, monitoring and assessment.
- Training and Consultancy in the field of soil and water conservation and watershed management.