Dr Ramajayam Devarajan
Designation :Head (RC, Koraput)
Principal Scientist (Horticulture) -
ERP ID :015807
Date of Birth :10.06.2023
Mobile No. :
Phone :
Email Id :Ramajayam [dot] Devarajan [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in ,
ramajayamd [at] gmail [dot] com ,
ramajayamd [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in ,
ramajayamd [at] hotmail [dot] com
Area of Specialization
Watershed Management, Jhum cultivation, S&WC technologies for fruit plants, S&WC technologies for salt affected soils, Processing & Value addition of Fruits, Fruit breeding, Tissue culture, Molecular markers, Germplasm conservation