A team of six Assistant Directors (Agriculture) headed by Sh. R.G. Arolia, Deputy Project Director, ATMA, District Ujjain (M.P.) visited ICAR-IISWC, Research Centre Chandigarh and its Research Farm on 30.01.2023. Dr. O.P.S Khola, Ex-Head & Principal Scientist, welcomed the participants and discussed the potential solutions to problems of their area / region of work based on his vast experience in soil and water conservation, after the mandate, area of work and various R&D activities of the Research Centre were broadly displayed through a video film. He also recommended the participants to visit ICAR-IISWC Research Centre, Vasad for the demonstrated ravine management technologies suitable for their area of work. Afterwards, the participants visited the Research Farm at Mansa Devi. Dr Manoj Kumar, Scientist showed the oldest soil loss gauging station to the visiting Agricultural Officers. Dr O.P. Premi, Principal Scientist & OIC (Farm), conducted their visit to on-going experiments on erosion productivity relationship and fruit vegetable waste management, and areas planted with fruits for higher productivity.