Dr. R P Singh, Director, IIRS, Dehradun was the Chief Guest. While he emphasizing the importance and relevance of the Institute, its research achievements and service to the nation and nature, especially in conserving the soil and water resources on which the entire economy and human life revolves, he appreciated the founders, Directors and visionary scientists of the Institute who made a strong foundation with which the relevance continues even today. He highlighted that the self-sufficiency in food production and water resources just being possible because of the research achievements and contributions of the Institute, especially when the man:resource ratio, and soil-water:human ratio are constantly decreasing since 1950’s due to population pressure and increasing demands. He praised the institute on its 70th foundation day for its relentless contribution to soil and water conservation research and training.
Dr. M Madhu, Director ICAR-IISWC presented an overall achievement of the Institute and the new initiatives taken during the recent past and last year towards improving the research outcome, conservation of natural resources, farmers welfare and societal development. He revealed that one-scientist-one-product, committed financial support for young scientists, and such other new initiatives of the ICAR has been aptly and timely institutionalized to promote research output and outcomes. He called for the development of user-friendly decision-support systems (DSS), analytical software, online and mobile Apps for the DPR and research conservation activities in line with the changing perspectives of the resource conservation.
Dr. Charan Singh, Head, Plant Science and Organizing Secretary of the event highlighted the achievements of the Plant Science Division and progress made in the flagship programs like SCSP and TSP schemes of GoI.
Dr. DV Singh, Head, HRD&SS spoke on the progress and initiatives taken in improving the training and capacity building of various stakeholders including resource managers, farmers, executives, planners, students and researchers. He highlighted that the revenue from the training and scope of the training participants increased tremendously in recent years.
Dr. D Mandal, Head, Soil Science and Agronomy presented the research outcomes and national and international recognitions and knowledge products developed by the Division. Improvement of research facilities with modern instruments like CO2 analyzer, Drone application and competitive grants were major achievements of the division.
Dr. M Muruganandam, OIC, PME&KM unit, briefed out the contribution of the unit, which made progress in the face-lifting of the Institute website, online portals, library & research documentation facilities, publications, research outputs etc. besides conflict resolution and institution building. Highlighting the major engagements and outcomes in terms of research coordination, and public-stockholders interaction he revealed that the unit stands as a link between the society, ICAR and scientists and staff of the Institute.
Dr. Sridhar Patra, Head, Hydrology and Engineering spoke on the newer initiatives taken at the Division and research achievements in watershed hydrology and resource conservation. Dr. Gopal Kumar, Principal Scientist (Soil Science) and Raman Jeet Singh, Sr Scientist (Agron.) coordinated the sport events, where scientists, staff, family members and children actively participated. awards during the program. Dr. Rajesh Kausal, Dr. Matber Sigh, Dr. M Sankar and Dr. Trisha Rai Pr Scientists coordinated the hospitality and coordination.
Other sections of the Institute, especially Administration and Finance wing presented the achievement and future scope of progress of the Institute. Earlier, progressive farmers spoke on the contribution of the Institute in uplifting their livelihood and food production avenues.
Dr. Suresh Kumar, Head of Division, IIRS and Dr. AK Srivastava, Director (Rtd), ICAR-VPAKS, Almora were among the dignitaries of the program.
The program was attended by 250 scientists and staff of the Institute, retired staff and the invited guests from various organizations, NGOs, press & media and academia besides 60 online participants.