The ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Research Centre, Vasad has organised a one day Field demonstration cum training program on “Soil and Water Management”. Dr. D. Dinesh Scientist (Soil Science) coordinated the training program and welcomed the gathering with giving brief information on training schedule. Dr. A. K. Singh, Head of Centre explained the importance of Soil and Water Management for sustainable farming. Dr. Gaurav Singh, Scientist (LWME) explained the importance of irrigation management in the field crops to achieve higher productivity. During field demonstration, the centre commissioned the 8 HP diesel pump setup with accessories to the group of farmers for lift irrigation from existing water harvesting structure. Sh. Anand Kumar (Technical Officer) created a farmer group to manage the operating cost of lift irrigation system. The lift irrigation system with underground pipe line for irrigation will bring an additional command area of 30 ha benefitting about 130 farmers in the village. Dr. D. Dinesh, Scientist (Soil Science) briefed about soil health management for crop production system, during field demonstration soil sample collection methods were also demonstrated by Sh. Ram Pratap (Technician) beside the training program. The mineral mixture packets (250 Nos.) were also distributed to women dairy farmers for improvement of livestock health in the village. At the end of the program the vote of thanks was given by Sh. T. M. Sonera (LDC). The training program was successfully completed and participated by 120 farmers of the village.