On 26 January, 2025, the 76th Republic Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm at ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Dehradun. All the scientists and employees of the Institute participated in this program with enthusiasm. In the program, at the request of the Director of the Institute, Dr. M. Madhu, the Senior Administrative Officer of the Institute, Mr. Heera Nand Sharma, who is going to retire soon, hoisted the flag. On this occasion, various programs were organized in the Institute, in which poetry recitation and quiz related to Republic Day and Constitution were also organized. The winners of the quiz were awarded prizes by Director Dr. M. Madhu. In the program, Director of the Institute, Dr. M. Madhu addressed the employees and wished them Happy Republic Day and told that the theme of this year is "Golden India: Heritage and Progress".
He also said that as responsible citizens of the country, it is our responsibility to uphold these principles of the Constitution and work continuously towards a stronger, more inclusive and especially self-reliant and clean India. On this occasion, the employees of the institute who are going to retire before 15 August 2025 also addressed the program. In the end, the organizer of the program, Mr. Anil Kumar Chauhan, Chief Technical Officer, thanked everyone for participating in the program and making the program successful. Sweets were distributed at the end of the program.