The Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation (IISWC), Dehradun organized a workshop on May 14, 2024, at Khatar, Dehradun. The workshop focused on elaborating the package of practices for ginger cultivation under the Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) to improve water and crop productivity to secure livelihoods for farmers. During the workshop, 23 farmer families participated and four quintals of improved ginger seeds were distributed among farmers, marking a significant step towards enhancing agricultural productivity. The program was coordinated by Dr. Devideen Yadav (Scientist) and Dr. Anupam Barh (Scientist) who provided insights into ginger growing practices and discussed strategies for soil and water conservation. Through initiatives like this workshop, the institute aims to foster resilience and prosperity in the agricultural sector of this area. The program was also supported and planned by the SCSP scientist team Dr. Indu Rawat, Dr. Trisha Roy, Dr. Deepak Singh, and Dr. Sadikul Islam. The program was organized under the coordinatorship of Dr. M Muruganandam (Principal Scientist).